Registration form - Caring for Rare 2024

The fifth regional conference "Caring for Rare" will be held on September 12-14, 2024, in Belgrade (and online)..

As it is a regional conference, the working language will be English.
Participation in the conference is free, and you need to register. Registration is mandatory.
Registrations for live attendance are open until Septemer 6, 2024. After that date, confirmations will be sent to participants, along with all ldetails. In case of in-person participation, organisers are not responsible for covering accommodation and travel expenses.

Applications for online presence are open until September 10, after which information for accessing the online platform will be sent.

You can find more information about detail agenda, speakers and our supporters on the website:

For any additional questions, feel free to write to us at

Best regards,
NORBS team

# Privacy Policy Notice on the processing of personal data: - The personal data you enter in this form is processed by NORBS, with address in Đušina 10, Belgrade, Serbia for the purposes of recording participants and more efficient organization of the event you are applying for. Collected personal data will not be used for purposes other than the purpose for which permission was given.

Attendee information
Organisation details
Logistical information
Final remarks